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A Free Way To Increase Your Traffic - Good News For You

Writer: T-web xeniferT-web xenifer

Find a lot more visitors by making use of 'Google News'

Why is 'Google News' good news for us?

'Google News' attracts thousands of visitors in every hour, of every day throughout every year. Now if you could tap into that traffic, even a small fraction of it, do you think you'd have a lot of traffic rushing to your site?

Of course you would. You'd have thousands of visitors. And even better, they'd be targeted traffic from all over the world. The very best sort of traffic for any business!

If you can just get one story about your business in Google News, you could double, if not quadruple your traffic in a matter of days. Although Google News aggregates and indexes news stories only for the past thirty days, its news archive function goes back 200 years. In other words, you are covered every step of the way

So how can you attract Traffic to your Website with Google News?

You need to become a Google News publisher. Don't worry, you don't have to be a 'Times Newspaper' or a 'Wall Street Journal'. You can set up your own news site quite easily. Look for some news items on Google News and you'll find that there are quite a few ordinary websites on there. What you must have, however, is

If you build a news website about your niche which has plenty of information (do a Google search to find useful content and then make it your own!) your news website will be indexed by Google News. Once this happens you'll be swamped by targeted visitors, all with their credit cards poised, ready to buy!

If you need any kind of information on this article related topic click here: news hindi


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